Vision Issues and PPS

Dr. Bruno’s Post: Polio survivors occasionally ask if poliovirus affected vision. The poliovirus was actually injected into the visual part of the brain of monkeys and had no effect on the neurons, as if they had no poliovirus receptors and couldn't be damaged. The optic nerve is not affected by poliovirus and muscles that allow the eyes to focus should not be affected.

Since sympathetic/vagus nerves were damaged, pupil opening/closing could be affected. But I have not seen pupil problems treating hundreds of polio survivors.

Certainly, voluntary facial muscles (that move the eyes and open and close the lids) could be affected by poliovirus. Polio survivors can have lag ophthalmias, where they don't completely close their eyes, causing dry eyes and disturbed sleep.

This article explains more: “ Abnormal Eye Movements and PPS”.

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


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