Weakened Calf Muscles

Question: I had non-paralytic polio when I was 3. My left calf is underdeveloped and has very little working muscle. I have had right knee replacement and left ankle fusion. Muscle fatigue and atrophy are setting in now, my foot to rolls off to the right and I have a lot of balance problems. The operation helped, but my foot had other ideas!  My Doctor thinks it is related to post-polio syndrome.

Dr. Bruno’s Response:  Did anyone suggest a short leg brace before surgery. . . or now?

Answer:  Nobody has suggested a short leg brace. I have used custom made AFO’s for both legs. They helped, but my left foot keeps trying to turn out.

Dr. Bruno’s Response: An AFO (ankle foot orthosis) is a short leg brace but there are different types. One type surrounds your ankle and can help to stop your foot from rolling. It might be worth another visit to your rehabilitation doc and the brace maker to see if a different type of AFO would help.


Muscle “Shaking”


Encyclopedia of Polio and Post-Polio Sequelae