Letter to the Editor: World Immunization Week

Published by the Tribune-Review

World Immunization Week and National Infant Immunization Week.

“World Immunization Week and National Infant Immunization Week, April 24-30 this year, aims to educate the public about why vaccines are necessary for the health of millions of people around the world.

For numerous reasons, children and adults miss out on essential vaccines, which increases their risk of contracting preventable diseases such as polio, measles and smallpox. The purpose of this week is to identify the challenges in gaining access to vaccines and to overcome barriers for the benefit of the global population.

Covid-19 reminds us that disease outbreaks anywhere can be a threat everywhere. Unless everyone is safe from disease, nobody is truly immune, and those who have a weak immune system are more vulnerable to getting viruses.

How many of us have known a child who has died of tetanus, diphtheria or polio? I suspect none. That is because since the 1970s, the majority of children are protected from these diseases by immunizations.

As a person who contracted polio two years before the Salk vaccine became available, I know firsthand what a disabling disease this is. The polio virus is still among us, as evidenced by a recent case in New York. That person was not vaccinated against polio. His paralysis serves as a warning that we need to make sure we and our children are up to date on all vaccines.

Remember, you are not protecting just yourself or your own child, but everyone you and your children come in contact with.”

Joseph Randig, Butler PA

The writer is the Western Pennsylvania coordinator for the PA Polio Survivors Network.


Rotary International’s World Immunization Week 2023 Message


The Power of Vaccines