“Square Pegs, Round Holes ‘n’ Pigeonholes”  

Dr. Bruno’s Post:   NEW from random harvest e-Books available at RandomHarvestBooks.com

Square Pegs, Round Holes ‘n’ Pigeonholes” is a wonderful new book
By Survivor Millie Malone Lill

Millie’s Back !

Millie Malone Lill, the “Mark Twain of polio survivors,” returns to Random Harvest with her combination of mid-western charm and razor-sharp wit in Square Pegs, Round Holes ‘n’ Pigeonholes. Join Millie in her native Iowa, on her trips through America and then into Canada, where’s she’s run off with a Canadian truck driver! It’s scooter versus eighteen-wheeler. . . and if you know Millie, you know who wins that race, eh? 

This book offers another 198 pages of pure Millie. If you are a polio survivor (or wish you were) you will love her new book as much as her first best-seller, Hot Water, Orange Juice ’n’ Kids.

PRAISE for Hot Water, Orange Juice 'n' Kids . . . 

. . . "Millie's writing? In a word, spectacular! In eight words: incredibly insightful, wonderfully witty, marvelously moving, and fabulously funny. Millie Malone Lill is one of my favorite writers, period."

. . . "A Midwesterner’s delight, filled with humor and warmth. Millie finds life to be a stern taskmaster and still manages to find the fun in it. Her upbeat outlook is refreshing in these turbulent times."

. . . . "I love Millie’s humor! Just when you think she's serious you realize she has hit your funny bone with a serious tap! She describes life -- even the not so funny parts -- in ways that make you feel you can cope again."

. . . "Millie Malone has put together a delightful collection of thoughts and ideas, expressing them in her unique, humorous style. Many of her stories deal with the problems of living with a disability, something most people will be able to relate to at some point in life, and dealing with frustrations, which everyone can relate to at every time of life."

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD

“Hot Water, Orange Juice ‘n’ Kids” and “Square Pegs, Round Holes ‘n’ Pigeonholes” are available:

As E-books for download through the International Centre for Polio Education and in paperback on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


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