Anesthesia - Talk to your physician

Original Post:  I've always been very sensitive to anesthesia of any kind. But now I find it takes me a couple of days to recuperate – even from dental work. What do I tell my doctors? 

Dr. Bruno’s Response: Tell your doctors about your sensitivity, and engage them in a conversation about your history. There are two outstanding tools available (easily downloaded) on the Anesthesia Warning page to share with your physician. Both have QR codes going directly to the information.

  • The Anesthesia Warning Cards (available in English and Spanish) and

  • The Symptom Checklist.

Of greatest importance, the BIOGRAPHIES of those of us who participated (myself, John Bach, MD, Norma Braun, MD, Selma Calmes, MD, Polio Denmark and William M. DeMayo, MD) are easily visible with a simply “scan” from a smart phone as well.

     Just download, print, fold and put in your wallet.

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


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