Polio Eradication Through Innovation

By: Walter Orenstein

From the Johns Hopkins, Bloomberg School of Public Health

“Today, the world is closer than ever to eradicating an ancient disease thanks to proven tools and brand-new innovations.

For thousands of years, poliovirus spread unchecked, paralyzing children and sowing fear in communities around the world. Just 3 decades ago, hundreds of thousands of children were paralyzed by polio annually. Since then, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, along with governments, donors, and frontline health workers, has committed to ending polio worldwide—by protecting all children with polio vaccines.

Promising trends suggest that poliovirus is finally on its last leg. 2 out of the 3 strains of wild poliovirus have been wiped out, and so far this year, just 7 cases of the remaining wild virus strain have been reported across 2 countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Actions taken now will decide whether today’s and future generations can grow up in a polio-free world. To get there, we must use everything at our disposal, including proven solutions and innovative new tools.

Delivered by a simple dropper, the oral polio vaccine (OPV) is as proven a tool as exists in global health. It’s inexpensive and easy for vaccinators to transport and administer. Because it can both protect the individual child and stop person-to-person transmission, OPV has brought poliovirus to its knees.

But in areas where not enough children receive OPV, the weakened strain of poliovirus it contains can pass amongst the community. And over time, that strain can revert to a variant form and spread like the wild viruses to cause paralysis.”

Read the FULL Article is available: https://globalhealthnow.org/2023-08/polio-eradication-through-innovation?fbclid=IwAR1Y9Jj6K_WW-tBAYqZVc0diFz8oN_49uQcL4VQzAJ0yBNQ7YADr33ftWSI


Marny Eulberg: Polio Survivor, Physician & Humanitarian